2007 Stickmen
David Biron with a nice catch of April

Larry Jones, Jack DeVilliers and Quintin Gomez with some nice red
snappers on April 21st.

Mike with a nice stringer of fish taken during the 3rd Annual Red Neck
Spearfishing Tournament on May 18th. The biggest one won 1st
Place Flounder.

Ashton, A.J. and Sidney with a fine catch on June 30th.
Jack, Rick and Mike with cobia, red
snapper, amberjack and spanish mackerel on July 10th.
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read about the day.

David Biron and Mike with a good night of spearing on August 5th.
Mike with some nice stone crab claws and
Dave with a 6.25 lb. flounder.

Keith Simmons, Jack deVilliers and Mike Blase in August.
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