Annual Bikers Ball
ABBA Shrine Temple
Mobile, Alabama
Feb. 1-3, 2008
Brother and Noble "Stretch" Martin helps organize the event.

CMA member Gene Weir helps out with the Poker Run.

The new Harley Davidson that was given away.

Bob with his nice looking trike.

PGR rider Bennie, a regular.

Stickman in charge of the Poker Run.

Presenting the cash award to the winner. Ace high flush.

It was festive inside the Temple.

Vendors Row.
Check in point for the Joe Cain ride on Sunday.

Brother Jerry with his lady Joan.

Mobile's finest the parade escort.

Brother "Superman" and his lady all decked out with beads.
Time to roll....

Almost 400 bikes participated.

The line went on for miles...

Downtown Mobile, Alabama

Heart of Dixie Travelers brothers "Stretch" and "Klutch".

Ready for the street party.

New MM and Loop Lodge brother, Joshua Hopper.

Still streaming in to the city.

Biker's Row

"Son" looked rough :)

Here comes the "Joe Cain" parade....

Indian, Joe Cain aka Chief Slacabamorinico

... and his many widows.

Stickman's spearfishing partner, Jack DeVilliers and his lady.

Another successful parade.
Mystics Parade
Feb. 4, 2008
"Roll Tide"
A couple of Sailors on shore leave.

You run into a lot of old friends at the "Boom Boom".
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