July 27, 2010 - Day 10
Destination Vallejo, California

The view from the hotel in Winnemucca, Nevada.

Ready to travel...

A prison in the middle of the desert.

Mikey going over the ride plan...

Riding in to Reno, Nevada

Another stop for lunch in Reno...

I hit the 10,000 mile mark along the way...

This was an interesting idea of how truck brake failure was handled.

A gravel off ramp...

... that runs the truck in to piles of rocks.

A parting group shot of Brazen Pillars brothers and friends.

Steve breaks off for home...

Riding in to Vallejo...

Naval Lodge #87 up on the hill in Vallejo.

Arriving at my destination in Vallejo at Mom and Dad's.

My Brazen Pillars brothers

This trip is at it's half way point.. time to relax for a few days.
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