ABBA Knights
A Freemason Motorcycle Unit of Shriners

January 13, 2009

Regular Meeting

We had a good meeting tonight at the Shrine Center.  The new officers were installed by the Illustrious John Carlisle, Potentate.  President, Mike Wade  Vice President, Joshua Hopper,  Secretary/Treasurer, Darrell Blaine.

We will be meeting in the Red Fez room for this year and we will be afforded the full use of the facilities
so long as we clean up after ourselves and secure the building.  This will allow us many fund raising possibilities for the upcoming year.

Following are some of the highlights of our meeting.

The by-laws were read and a few grammatical errors were noted.  A by-laws committee was appointed to review and submit proper changes to be approved by the Potentate.

We talked about some of our duties to insure a successful Bikers Ball.  We will be working the parking lot and other details, so your full participation will be required.  There will be a Bikers Ball meeting on Wednesday evening, January 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fez room.  Please make every effort to attend.

Our ABBA Knight patch was made available for purchase and we currently have about 20 on hand.
Your prompt attention to buying one would be appreciated.  They are $35.00.  Brother Fleischamel has
made some ABBA Knight do-rags as well.

Our unit will be having a fund raiser in conjunction with Steak Night on Jan. 23, Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 in the
form of a liquor walk.  Brother Alex Williams will be heading up this event and everyone should come out
to lend a hand. Brother Joshua Hopper will provide the needed tiles for the game.

We will be riding to Pensacola on January 31st to meet with the Hadji Temple Shrine Riders.  We'll stage
at the Temple on Hitt Road at 1:00 p.m.  KSU at 1:30 p.m.  We will ride over to the Hadji Shrine Temple, Pensacola, Florida to meet our brothers by 3:00 p.m. KSU at 4:00 p.m. to ride to the Aegean Breeze Greek Restaurant.  Please RSVP for this event so that we can advise our brethren to how many will need to be seated.

We went ahead and scheduled a Paper Sale for March 7, 2009.  Meet at the Temple on Hitt Road at 8:00 a.m.  KSU at 8:30 a.m. to ride to Saraland, Alabama where we will work an intersection until 1:00 p.m.

Stickman, Woody, Klutch, Lucky, Lewis, Stretch, Benton and Alex

April 8, 2008
Ride to eat at Ed's Seafood Shed, Mobile Causeway

Alex, George, Ty, Woody, Stickman, Stretch, Klutch, Gwyn and Benton.

June 14, 2008
Mobile, Alabama Flag Day Ceremony

Brothers Gwyn, Alex, George, Mike, Ken and Benton

January 31, 2009

Hadji Shrine Riders, Pensacola, Florida

Come grow with us....

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