Brother Charles Robert Wayne Carr. MM Degree
June 19, 2007
Mount Juliet, Tennessee
Here To Read the Ride Report

Stickman's journey to Mt. Juliet began with foggy conditions...

... and before long, turned to rain.

I met up with Bear on Tenn. Hwy. 840

Half Ashlars and guest prior to the lodge meeting in front of the

Rooster, Wayne, Stickman, Tracy, Jason, Bear, Whacky, Mo and Big Don.

Riding to Mount Juliet Lodge #642.

Whacky and Bear.
Back to the Clubhouse after the degree
for some celebration...

Billy, Wayne, Stickman and Spanky.

Wayne and Snot.

Back at Bear's House...
I'm sleeping in the room next to the motorcycles.

Bear and Snot.

Brother Jay... he owns the lot where we had our 1st Annual FMRC Rally

These two are getting a rough start...
Wayne Carr's
Basketcase Choppers
adjacent to the Half Ashlars Clubhouse
Romeo shown here with his artwork.

Stumpy, Billy and Wayne.
Half Ashlar Picnic
June 20, 2007

Stickman, Bear and Beverly.

Tracy and Mo cooking the grub.
Half Ashlars put on a 1st Class spread... a feast that fed us the
next day too.
Back at the Bear's House...

Little Bear... "Ben D"
Hermitage, Tennessee
June 21, 2007
Bear supporting his local Starbucks.
Back to the Clubhouse...

Rooster in front of the shadowbox made by Skydancer.

Wall of Shame....
Clubhouse crapper and Snot on his dream bike.

Wayne's next "Basketcase".

Stickman, Snot and Bear.

Wayne and granddaughter Ava Marie.

Mom, daughter and grandpa.

Stickman, Rooster and Bear.
June 22, 2007

Heading back home...

I met Al along the way to the Jack Daniels Distillery.

He offered to buy me a cold beer at Leonard's Outer Edge bar.

The locals...

My destination...

Our Shield on display in the "Squire Room".
Jack Daniels spoken and sold here!

The Road Home...

Reporting home from a rest stop... I lit some incense for
the aviance.

At a Holiday Inn hotel lobby restroom... before

and after... It pays to be friendly with the
locals. It's after midnight.
June 23, 2007
Leaving Uncle Tommy's...

I arrived at Tommy's at 2:00 a.m. After a few hours sleep,
it's time to go home.

Crossing the old Mobile Causeway coming in from the east.




Visiting with brother Tom "Lucky" House on June 24th.