Free Masons Riding Club
Run to the Sun
April 19 - May 11, 2007
Read Stickman's
Journal For This Trip
Ft. Worth, Texas

Papa and Stickman.

Ronbo, GloJoe,
Stickman and Papa.

Ronbo, Stickman and GloJoe bound for Oklahoma City.

... and away they go.


Oklahoma City Reunion

Big Don, Grumpy,
Stickman, GloJoe, Bear, Ronbo and Skydancer.

FMRC National Officers

... is that a tool box I see on the ground?
New Mexico

The gang leaving a pit stop.

Skydancer and Maid Marian our cargo specialists.

Big Don.


Grumpy and Dixie.

New Mexico landscape.

Maid Marian taking some close up shots.

A New Mexico overpass.


One of the best trading posts just across the New Mexico, Arizona state

Bear teasing Skydancer with a carrot...

Big Don, Stickman and Skydancer.
Skydancer sang "Take it Easy" while we were there.

Stickman, Maid Marian and Skydancer standing on the crater edge.

Skydancer contemplating a growler...

The cow just walked across the road in front of Skydancer.

The gang in Kingman, Arizona for a relaxing evening.

Stickman and the Bear.
Oatman, Arizona

The road to Oatman.

FMRC Brothers Kris and
Mike far right.
We also
had a new member who joined while we were there. Chris "Scooter" Delay
of Mojave, AZ
a member of the Solomon's Knights
Chapter #4 of Mojave, Arizona

Brother Kris Blake with son.

Mike gets another Ass Chewing.

Brother Kris' brother Brad Blake and kids.

The room where the woman used to sit and wait for her husband to return
but he never did.

This was the view from her window.

... and another view.
Strange picture of a woman we didn't
know... look on her left hand.

Stickman and Grumpy.

Getting ready for a shootout...

"Gunfighter" in the Red Shirt in the pics, is Outlaw Willie. He
is really Rod Hall, a member of Zelzah Shrine in Las Vegas.
They do
the gunfight to raise money for the Transportation Fund. The
Transportation Fund, is what pays for the free rides
for the kids to
the Shriners hospital, in both the Vans and Airplanes.

The far left hand window in this picture is the old woman's hotel room.

"Tattoo Time for the Free Masons"

Riding out of Oatman, Arizona.

Laughlin, Nevada

I chose to guard the
bikes while everyone else went to visit the vendors.

A parting shot back in Kingman, Arizona

Skydancer and Maid Marian continue their travels to four corners.

Crossing the bridge back into Laughlin.

Then there were three.

This is about as close to Las Vegas as we got...

Bear had a welcoming committee as Noah Sword was waiting for him to

Noah and the Bear.

The beautiful view down the street from the front yard.

We stayed at the home of Ray Sword, former lead singer of the 70's hair
band, Harlot. Ray in picture on the left and on the left in the picture
on the right.

Noah Sword sporting his new FMRC Bowling Shirt and some mardi gras
Bear, Ray Sword, Stickman and Big Don

Bear and Noah

Ray drove us over to the Zelzah Shiners Lodge that evening.

The FMRC brothers and son.

Leaving Las Vegas by way of Starbucks.
Rachel, Nevada

Stickman's journey
continues north and west.

Leaving Little A'Le'

A view along the Extraterrestrial Highway on Hwy. 375

The road stretches on for miles and miles.

Tonepah, Nevada as viewed from the mining area.

The saloon Wyatt Earp opened in Tonepah after the shootout at the OK

Pictures still hanging in the local watering hole.

Mural on a building wall in Tonepah.

A water station along the desert highway.

A friendly local biker I met on his return from Laughlin at the above
spot. His name is Rich Parkhurst.

This is Walker Lake... used by the Navy for sonar research according to

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

A paddle wheel boat on Lake Tahoe.

Downtown South Lake Tahoe.

A snow capped mountain at upper elevation of Lake Tahoe... and cold.

Just a beautiful picture!

Looking down at a village in South Lake Tahoe.

Winter Wonderland in May!

A snow drift on the roof of a house... something I've rarely seen.


My Dad, Step mom and Uncle Tommy awaiting my arrival.

Stickman with Sister Patty and Pops.
Mare Island

Stickman and Patty off to
tour Mare Island

Vallejo Marina

Ruined barracks on Mare Island.

Mare Island Park

We come in peace...

Empty dry docks.

Vallejo Ferry docked at the Vallejo Marina as seen from Mare Island.

An old freighter just rusting away.

A view of Vallejo from the dock of Mare Island.

The bridge back to town.

Highway 37 to Vallejo, California.

Naval Lodge #87 as seen from my dad's house.
here for Page 2