Stickmen Freedivers 2021
The Stickmen Freedivers began their spearfishing season with a
night dive for flounder on April 22, 2021.
The wind was blowing gently out of the east and the tide was
high at 9:00 p.m.
The water temperature was around 68 degrees and visibility
8-10 feet. This is the result of that dive adventure.
Earlier that evening Stickman Mike had a great, great, great
nephew born who weighed in a
few ounces heavier than the doormat flounder but the flounder
won in the length department...
Mike Wade, Ronnie Franklin and Joshua Payne
Flounder 6.4 pounds, 27 inches, will be mounted and
dedicated to Brett Sessions
Earth Day Brett Sessions 6.15 pounds, 21 inches
1 John 4-16 "And we have known and believed the love that God
hath to us.
God is Love. And he that abides in love abides in God, and God
in him."
May 10, 2021

Morning dive on a cloudy, rainy day....
August 13-14, 2021

Thank you to Ronnie Franklin for being my safety dive tender!
25th Annual Orange
Beach Spearfishing Tournament
October 1 - 17, 2021

Stickmen Ronnie Franklin, myself and J.D. Payne heading out
for some spearfishing

Got lucky with a red snapper...

A full night of floundering during the tournament -
October 12th

... filling categories days later with sheepshead and
here to visit and sign our Guestbook!
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