The Traveler
his 2002 Roadtrip click
here to read the story

"What do I do with all this stainless steel cable?"
Russ doing some kind of ritual with his cable on our way out.
Actually, he was replacing some mono with stainless.

Meet Russ Karnap, parts unknown.
Last we heard from him, he was on a boat off the coast of China.

Russ making a dive.

A red snapper surrounded by spadefish.

The sheepshead in the upper right corner looks like they're having
a meeting.
We saw hundreds of these today and some trophies were among those
Russ brings up a
Mike finds a flounder.

Spade fish city. They were as thick as flies.
Stickman Jack on the
Stickman Mike.

Mike and Russ come up with a pair of black snapper.
Check out the water conditions!

Another look at some sheepshead.

It looks like an aquarium under the rigs. This queen angel
played hard to get.
A couple of hours spearing. How's that for dinner?

Jack and Russ doing the honors.

Russ, Trip, Mike and Jack at Trip's house on Fort Morgan Road, near
the launch.
This was a great beginning to a new year of diving.
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