Loving Memory of

13, 1983 - Jan 4, 2005
by Eric
Eric was only 21 years young and
loved by all. He was taken much too soon.
There is a big
void in my heart now
that he is gone. God willing
we'll meet again when this life is done.
Love Always, Dad
Twenty one years seven months and twenty two days ago God gave me a
little angel, Eric. He was not only my only son but my best friend and
my life. I know he is in a much better place but I will never get to see his
sweet face, his beautiful smile, or feel his arms around me again on this earth.
I feel that my life has been stolen from me. I don't understand why God
took him from me but I am thankful for the time I had him in my life. I dream
about him every night and I can't wait until the day I can hold him again.
Eric Momma loves you and misses you very much.
I was at the hospital the day you were born. I was so happy, I had a beautiful little grandson.
One day I turned around and you had grown up to be a very nice, good looking young man.
I’ll never forget the day I called and ask you if you would come live with me to help with
mother (maw maw). Without any hesitation you replied yes “MeMe”. I wouldn't take anything
for the couple of years you were here with me. You had a very hard life at times because of
circumstances. I’d like to call you back to be here with me but that is my own selfishness.
I know you'll never be hurt again and you are happy in Heaven. Please wait for me,
I’ll be there one day for my big hug I miss so much... and that big smile.
I love you Eric more than you'll ever know,
I will always
remember Eric. We were more like brother and sister than
He had this way about him as everyone who met him soon found
out. Eric was always
there for me where ever I needed ANYTHING, and I did the
same for
I find myself just
sitting and thinking about things we did when we were growing
up and
that is
when I
realize how much I take for granted. I just always thought
that our
kids would
grow up
together like we did. I try not to question but I can't help
not to.
Eric loved Matthew
called him
his "little buddy" and I will do everything I can to be sure
"Lobby" was and how much he loved him. One month after Matthew
was born
we lost
. It was raining and I had a lot to do as did everyone else so
I will
him and he did, Lobby was the first person to keep Matthew. He
complained even wanted to when he was going to do it again. I
am still
for him to call. But I know one day we will all be together
until then
I will think about you everyday and remember the good times.
I Love
You and
Miss You and you will always have a piece of my heart.
If you are a
friend of Eric's
and would like to add your own personal comments
to this page
please send them
to his
dad's email address below and they will be
to his Dad, Mike Wade
Messages for
This is Lindsey Kennedy. Eric was a very special someone to me. No one
could ever compare to the type of person he was. We worked together at
US Airways. I had met him in school then we kinda lost touch. We
became very close when we began working together. The one thing that
sticks out in my mind is how wise he was. It amazed me how much wisdom
he had to only be 21 yrs. old. Gosh I miss him. Somewhere along the
lines it doesn't seem fair. He shouldn't have been the one to go. I
catch myself thinking about him constantly. It distracts me away from
whatever I'm doing at that time. I have a son named Collin. Eric loved
him. He always told me how beautiful he was. Things are difficult for
me because I have to raise him alone, so I tend to get a little
frustrated at times. I need Eric's calm voice to tell me that it'll be
okay and that I'm doing a great job. He made me feel so wonderful about
myself. It was such a blessing to have him in my life for that short
period of time. Mr. Mike and Ms. Cindy, y'all did a wonderful job. I
hope I can raise my son to have the smarts like Eric and the gentle
kindness. I know y'all are so proud. I want to keep in touch with you
both. I think Eric would like that. He spoke great things about y'all.
I've never seen any man love his mother like that. I envy that. You
are in my thoughts and prayers every night. Eric, watch over Collin and
me. I miss you so very much. I love you and I hope you knew that, oh I
pray you did. I'm gonna try my best to be good so I can be with you
again one day. Love you forever, Lindsey Rose
This is Kristen. I worked with Eric at US Airways. I just wanted to say
that I am very sorry for what happened. I loved Eric very much. He was
such a good friend of everyone here and it is so different without him.
He was like a big brother to me. I told him all of my problems and he
could always find comforting words for me. He was like our body guard,
standing behind us if were getting yelled at by a passenger. We get
really close with each other at our job. I know it's nothing like the
pain and hurt you're feeling, but we're feeling it too. Everyday we talk
about him, and how he used to make us laugh, and I'm happy to say that
he still does. We'll never forget him and never be able to replace how
he made us feel working with him everyday, but I'm sure he's in a better
place and we'll all be able to see him again.
My Name is Nolan Wright. I say lucky you to have had what you had. I met Eric out
one night while at a CNI get together. I kept him from shining a Doctors eye that was very
disrespectful of Cindy. Every now and then you run up on a kid.... that's O.K. There is
nothing I can say or do to change what happened, and I don't know how you feel.
I've got two sons 6 and 8... God bless you, smile and keep on moving.
We pray for you and Cindy
Hi this is Humaira S. Qureshi, I think everyone knows who I am. I knew Eric for
about ten years, and we dated for five and a half wonderful years. He knew every
little detail about me, and vice versa. Of course, We had our differences, but
what couple doesn't. Right baby? Oh God I miss him so much. Eric was my best
friend, soul mate, and my other half. I feel like my heart has been ripped out.
Eric had a heart of gold, he wouldn't hurt a fly. God knows he wouldn't let
anything happen to me or Cindy. He was our "Big Ole Teddy Bear". He had this
charisma about him that was unreal. He had an impact on every person he met. I
personally have a problem with death, Eric and I would sit up late at night and
he would talk to me about life. he would always tell me there was no reason to
be scared, that if you believed in God there was nothing to fear. Not to ever
worry! He said, "Those in Heaven could only see the good here on Earth." (Not
the Bad), and I believe that. There are times I find myself just in a daze
thinking about him, and how I just want to touch him, see him, tell him I love
him, and I am sorry, and all the memories we shared. WOW at the memories. I am
having a hard time grasping the fact I will never see him again (except for in
my dreams). I often question God, which I shouldn't do I know, but I ask him why
he took away such an Angel, but I know that is a question that will never be
answered. I learned so much from Eric, and I will never forget any of it. Eric
always told me not to worry that you will see the loved ones you lost again in
Heaven. I know Eric is in Heaven where he will never again be hurt or feel any
pain ever again and he will always be watching over us. There is still so much I
don't understand. I consider myself blessed to have known Eric for ten years,
and to have been apart of one of Gods precious Angels for so long. Baby I love
you so much, and always will. I pray that you knew that, and I think you did.
Cindy and Mike you two will always be apart of my life and I love you both so
much. You are both in my thoughts and prayers each day. Just remember keep God
in your hearts and know that one day we will be reunited with Eric again one day
in Heaven. Eric baby my love for you is unconditional always has been and always
will be, and I look forward to the day I will see your sweet face again in
Heaven. Love For Eternity Humaira S. Qureshi