The Stickmen visit
Vieques, Puerto Rico
16-23, 2005
After a very depressing start of this year due to the death
of my youngest son Eric in
January; my
family, friends and dive buddies thought that
I needed a change of scenery
and that
I should proceed with
a plan made around Christmas to
dive from the Island of
Vieques, Puerto Rico for a
I heavy heartedly agreed.
David's brother, Mark Biron, owns the
Casa Alta Vista located
at Barrio Esperanza in Vieques
and we
would be billeted there.
The deal was sweet and the
accommodations were more than adequate.
Check them out at
Jack deVilliers, David Biron and
myself left Mobile at 7:00
Wednesday morning, February
16th and
arrived at San Juan
International Airport around
3:30 in
the afternoon.
We had not been on the ground 10
minutes before Roberto Reyes
and his darling Marisela showed
with their van. Roberto
and Marisela quickly had all
speargun tubes and dive
gear loaded in no time at all.

Roberto Reyes loading the spearguns.

Stickmen squeeze in
and the adventure begins.
Our next goal was to get to the
Island of Vieques, only seven
from the coast of Fajardo,
Puerto Rico. While the
was only 15-20 miles from San
Juan to Fajardo; it took three
to get there and that's
with an experienced Roberto at
wheel. Our dilemma were
the spearguns. We wanted
to take
a small plane out of an airport
nearby which would have been a
minute flight but our gun tubes
were too long. The only
alternative was the ferry out of Fajardo
and the last one was leaving at
We had a blast with Robert and
Marisela and everyone got along great. It was good to finally meet the man I
had spoken with from time to
time on the freedivelist.
future discussions will have a whole
new meaning.
Marisela gave us a quick Spanish
lesson as we traveled. We saw the
rain forest and got a sense of
culture as we were in traffic
gridlock part of the way due to

The Rain Forest of Puerto Rico.
We stopped and had some local cuisine
for lunch before boarding
the ferry with a plan of diving
Roberto from his panga on
Friday and Saturday.
The ferry finally reached Vieques around 9:30 p.m. and David's
brother, Mark was there to pick
us up
with his Range Rover.
We made the short drive to our
room at the Casa Alta
Vista after a couple of stops
to show
us some local dive spots
and areas of interest.
At the guest house, Mark shows us his guitar collection.
We unloaded our gear but could not
resist the temptation to
get wet with a night
dive. There
was beach access a short
distance from our room so Mark
us down to familiarize
us with the way. Jack,
David and
I entered the water and
as I was ready to put on my
mask, I
realized that in my haste
I had forgotten it. I got
out of the water and literally
ran back to the room and
it. Soon, we were all in the
Caribbean checking out the
scenery. I spotted a spiny
lobster and shined it for
He dived down and scared it back
into its hole. So, this
is not
going to be as easy as it looks I
thought. We swam
on. The
next time I saw David he had bagged
a conch, as did Jack. I picked
up a
small shell for my granddaughter,
There was a small Island named callo
de afuera (outer corn,
bunyon or kayo d afwera) about
a half
mile from where we entered
the water and before long we
midway from the beach to the
picture of the island during the day.
I figured that
ultimately we were going to swim to the
Island so I continued to dive
in that
direction. We would lose
sight from each other and then
would see the glow of someone's
light and regroup. This
well until we actually got to
the Island. By then it
was hard
to see where everyone was.
I was getting tired and
frustrated not
knowing where my dive buddies
were so I swam over to where a
sailboat was moored and hung out
on the skiff until I heard
calling my name. "I'm over
here" I yelled back.
Before long
Jack and David were swimming my
way. We gathered up and
talking about swimming back to shore
when someone opened the hatch
on the
sailboat and said "Hey, we're
trying to sleep in here, could
keep it down?". "Sorry" We replied
and I smiled thinking how weird
must be to be anchored in
the Caribbean and have two or
nuts swimming around your boat
at 1:00 in the morning.
We made
the long swim back to shore
by 2:00 a.m. I was too
tired to take a picture. Needless to say, we fell
fast asleep as soon as our
heads hit the pillow.
A few hours of sleep and Thursdays
diving begins. David wakes
up first and strikes out on his
own. Jack and I wake up an hour
later and everyone is
Soon, Mark arrives and informs us that
he had driven Dave down to the
Mosquito Pier on the north side of
the Island, did we wish to join
him. "Of course" came our reply.
Mark gives us a map and the
keys to
the Range Rover and we are
on our way. How cool is
that? Mark is the best!
We arrive at the pier and gear
up. Not knowing the area and unable
to find David, we walk out to
the pier
where some locals are working
and promptly get run off. Not
discouraged we go back to where we were
parked and climb down the rocks
make our entry. We swim out the
jetty and I find a nice
Since I am spearfishing, I leave it
for another day. We swim
out to
the pier and see lots of sea life.
We encounter a sea turtle that
unfazed by our presence. We swim
on and watch a good sized
watching us, no big deal. Soon a
school of horse eye jacks swim
by and
Jack and I have at it, spearing a
couple and string them to our
clips. We move on out to the end of
the pier to a depth of around
and work our way back. Jack
shoots a mangrove snapper. I
look for
the conch I had found earlier
to no avail. We climb out
head back for some lunch.
We take in
the views and vista as we
return. This looks like paradise.
Back at the Casa Alta Vista we
that David has shot a nice fish
too. He was hunting the
next to us and had hitched a ride back.

A view from the top of Casa
Alta Vista.
After lunch we all (Dave, Mike and
Jack) drive down to Sun Bay
to see what we could
find. David
wanted to split up in order to
cover more area. He swam
to the
right of the bay and Jack and I
went left. We swam for a
of hours not seeing too much other
than tropicals, sea grass and
occasional small mangrove snapper.
The reef was probably half mile
and too far to get to by
this time so we swam back to
our point
of entry where David was
waiting. We load up and
back home.
Later in the day I take my GPS to the closest dock and mark a waypoint
for Roberto so that he will be able to navigate to our location on
That evening we had a "mixed grill" of
octopus and seafood in
a white sauce, black beans and
rice compliments of
Enrique E.M. Cordero aka
Ricky has been cooking since the
age of four and is very
accomplished. The meal was exquisite.
Afterwards we had a couple of
played a card game called
tunk. Instead of playing
money, we played for push-ups.
In other words, the loser had
to do
anywhere from 10-30 reps
depending on how they
lost. We
all did our share and finally
took a group picture and called
Ricky, Mark, Jack, Mike and David.
Friday, Mark Biron served us his
famous egg sandwich for
breakfast. Roberto and
arrive around 10:00 from
the main island and we are
eager to do
some blue water hunting.
Marisela had her beach bag and
looking forward to some
rest and relaxation as we hit
the high

David, Mike, Roberto and Jack
Roberto and crew head out. Deep water is located just a couple of
miles from shore. We find
a 145' pentacle in 1000'fsw and
Roberto puts out a chum line.
Everyone jumps in and waits for
tuna to show up. After a
while we took a few oceanic
triggerfish since the tuna didn't
appear to be here. On one
I had a reef shark swim up
to my triggerfish and sniff it
out. I pulled the fish up to
me as the shark didn't seamed
interested. Later I shot a
rainbow runner and missed a
shot on a
wahoo. Roberto shoots
an impressive 40 lb. king
mackerel. I grabbed my camera and
took many pictures of Roberto
with his
fish. I was all
over him with my camera.
Dive down with the fish"
He complied. I took a
couple of
good shots. We dived a
couple of different spots but
had no
luck with the tuna.

Roberto Reyes with 40 pound king mackerel.
The water was clear and warm; a
welcome break from the
conditions back home. We
hear some whale sounds
echo from a distance when we
were at
depth and that was cool.
At dusk we made the 5 or 6 mile
back to the dock.
Later in the evening we all met
up at
a local restaurant
named "Tradewinds" where we had
a fine
meal. Sleep came
easy once again.
Saturday morning began bright and
early as Roberto swung open
the door to our room and
flipped on
the light switch.
"Time to go" he
exclaimed. I
felt like I was back in boot
camp. I jumped out of the
and hit the floor running.
His panga was already at the dock two
blocks away and waiting
for us to board. We
shuttled our
gear to the dock and we were
underway. Once again we
near the drop off, not far from
shore. Roberto threw out
chum and we waited for the tuna
which had been reportedly here
somewhere. We didn't have much
luck getting exact locations
from the
locals. It didn't deter
us from checking out a couple
different spots. Again, I
was approached by a couple of
wahoo. I made a long shot and
missed. Roberto swam over
to me
and said to "be patient and
let the fish get closer to
I thought they were close but
the clear water made them
closer than they were and all
I had was my Riffe #3 standard
gun. I replied to Roberto that
"I will be patient". I
swam for
another forty five minutes and
here come two more wahoo.
I wait
and wait as they slowly
come my way. They appear
to be
just 6 or 7 feet away and begin
to turn away. I couldn't
it any longer... it was now or
never in my mind. I pull
trigger and my shaft misses under
the fish. "Crap!!!"
well, at least I had a chance for one.
Maybe next time. We swim
a while
longer and move to another spot.
This time I will leave my peashooter
on the boat and bring my
underwater camera
instead. I
dive down and as luck would have
it a 50+ pound cubera snapper
right up to me. I have enough
time to click off three
pictures. The fish was so big
it had a couple of remoras on
it. WOW and dang it all in one word.

Mike shoots this fish with his camera.
Maybe I was meant to take pictures
instead of fish. There was no
way I would have missed that
fish If I
had brought my gun. I swim
the camera back to the boat and
it to Jack. "Give me my gun". He hands me my gun and jumps in with
the camera. I go back down
to find my beast, it cannot be

Mike with a triggerfish.
I swim around looking for
else and end up having to take
triggerfish. I get back in
the boat and take a
Since Roberto had to get back
to the
main island by dark, we had
to make a short day of
Roberto gets back on the boat and
we are waiting for David.
Roberto says he has a big rainbow
runner on and is working
David gets to the boat sans fish.
It had pulled off.
We head to shore and Marisela
waiting at the dock. I take
her picture and a couple of
shots. It is time for Roberto
and Marisela to leave. I am
saddened by their departure. It was so much fun
hanging out with Roberto, I
want it to end. Maybe another
We wave good bye.

Roberto and
Mike and Jack
While David and Ricky cooked our
evening meal, Jack and I
commandeered with Mark's
the two scooters that
he used for rentals and took a
around the Island exploring.
We looked for a good place to
make a night dive.
In the
process we came upon a bar on
beach and decide to stop in
for a tropical beverage.
awhile we get back on the scooters
to go for some groceries a
short ride
away. I get off my ride
and complain to Jack that
"there is a
rock or something in my
helmet, I hope I don't have to
put up
with this pain all the
way back to the hotel!", I
exclaim. I take my helmet off and
my sunglasses are on my head.
Jack is
laughing like crazy. No
more drinking for me :-) We
continue to explore the Island
until dark.
That evening David and Ricky
a meal of various snapper
dishes (snapper with coconut
sauce) which were enjoyed by
Mark, and his friend/artist
and Mark at work
Jack, David, Ricky and I decide
to hit
the local EFC (Esperanza
Fried Chicken) where we chow
down on
fried chicken, cole slaw
and fries. Rack time soon
followed. It's funny how fast the
day goes by.
Later that night after I had gone to bed, I kept hearing a woman
scream. At first I thought it was a dog
howling. I mean
this was not just a normal cry, it was at the top of her lungs as if
she were being murdered. I didn't hear anyone but her and she was
in the building adjacent to our room. When I say she was
screaming, it was the blood curdling type and sent chills down my
spine. This went on until 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Around
midnight, Jack comes into our room and asked if I could hear the
woman's scream? "How could I not", I replied. "Get in here
and close that door!" He told me how he and Mark had tried to see
what was going on but couldn't get a clear view into her house.
How that she was talking to herself in strange ways
asking God to help her and things like "You can't rewind if you
eject". I mean this was scary stuff to a guy like
me. I started praying to Jesus to keep us safe.
Anyway, Jack and I talked about this until 1:00 a.m. and he finally
went to sleep. I was tossing and turning and around 2:00 a.m. the
door to our room opened about four inches and
I almost had a heart attack since my bed was closest to the door.
I jumped up, closed and locked it
promptly. Eventually, I fell asleep after the
screaming stopped. I normally have nerves of steel and am very
calm in the face of danger but this even rattled me. We didn't hear anything else for the rest
of the week. Thank goodness!
Sunday morning daybreak arrives and we
ready for some rest after
three good days of
diving. We
start off with an egg
sandwich compliments of Mark,
he then
takes us on the
grand tour of the Island in his
Rover. We go
to the fisherman's dock and
check out
the boats and then
a tour of some prime dive spots
good reef formations.
There was supposed to be a Paso
(horse show) in the
afternoon. These are
trained horses of the Tiano
breed. We drove by the
arena but
it was raining. The show
was rescheduled for the
We were shown the oldest
tree on Vieques (est. over 400
years). It is a Ceiba
Tree. It is odd that it
had thorns on top of the
After that we toured
the museum at Fort Conde de
Mirasol. Other historic sites
included the old sugar mill
Isabel Segunda and Pirate
Mountain before we head back.
Around 9:00 p.m. Jack and I decided to
make a night dive
while David visited with his
brother. I saw an octopus
right away and struggled with
it for a
couple minutes
before it finally escaped from
grasp. Within minutes I
came across a nice sized shovel nose
lobster aka slipper
lobster and bagged it.
Jack got
a couple of spiny lobsters
and collected some
shells. A
while later he picked up a
shovel nose as well. I
to hunt and finally got
a couple of spiny's. I
saw a
green moray eel and teased it
with my pole spear. It
bit at
the tip. I tried to spook it
but it would not give up any
space; it
was holding its ground.
Since it didn't appreciate me
with it, I moved on.
A little while later I saw a
big fish
out of my peripheral
vision and when I shined it, it
away. Apparently we
had something checking us
Jack saw it too. Soon, we
called it a night. We dived for
three hours total. The
one special thing that we noticed
about this dive was
that throughout the dive we
could hear
the reggae band playing
on the Esperanza Strip.
This was
the first time we have
ever had this type of
entertainment on
a dive and it was
a memorable one. Jack and
I both
agree that we were born
beach divers.

Some of Mike and Jack's night dive results.
Jack leaves on Monday morning to meet
his new wife on the
main Island for a
Mark drives him to the ferry
as David and I stay behind for
couple more days of diving.
When Mark returns he drives us to
Green Beach. Along the way
he plays tour guide and drives
us all
over the west end of the
Island where he shows us
several bomb
bunkers. They are scattered
all about the area and were
used by
the U.S. Military until May
of 2003. Afterwards, he
drops us
at the dive site. This is the
most beautiful beach I've seen
so far
when it comes to water
visibility, reef ledges and the
variety of sea life. I wish
that I had brought my camera
of a speargun. We dive
the area for three or four
finding nothing more than a
lot of tropical fish (they were
pretty) and three more conch
which we gather for tomorrow
dinner. After we're done
we call Mark who promptly comes
to pick us up.
Back at the Casa Alta Vista, Ricky
orders up a couple pizza's.
David drives us into Isabel II
to pick
them up. They are
the biggest pizza pies I've
seen. We do a little bit of
souvenir and grocery shopping
while we
are there.

Dave with potato cannon.
After lunch David breaks out his
potato cannon; a gift for Mark.
He fires off a few spuds into
jungle. I am surprised at the
range this thing has. All
excitement and a beer makes me
sleepy, so I go back to the
room for a
As dark approached I was getting the
urge to make another night
dive. I asked Dave if he
game and he is. We gear up, walk
down to the beach and find a
spot between the rocks to enter
the water. We spot a
puffer fish right away along with
some parrot fish. Dave
spots a
large barracuda trolling the
reef. We go about our
task of
catching some spiny's (langoustine)
and Dave bags an octopus.
in the evening I come across one.
I have caught many octopus in
the past
to sell to the local pet
stores but I haven't ever
one. I understand that you just
turn it inside out but that was
said than done. Every time
I tried to get it in the kill
position, it would try to escape and
I'd have to grab its head
The tentacles were going all the
way up to my shoulder and it
tightening up around my arm. I
disregarded the feeling on my
bare arm
and held fast. Since
I was getting a little chilled
and about ready to get out,
I just held it tight in my
hand, swam
it to the beach where I hurled
it onto the sand. "There, take
you little turd!" At this point
I was able to get it in my
bag. Dave hunted a bit longer and
finally got out. We ended
with five lobsters and two octopus.
All of which would be included
in our
meal the following evening.
We take a picture back at the
Tuesday would be our last full day on
the Island. We slept in until
0930, got up and had some
coffee. Afterwards Dave drove us into
Isabel to do some final
before our trip home. I met Mark's
friend Szaritza later that
morning and
she is a delightful and charming
young lady and easy to talk
She had been on a working vacation in
the Dominican Republic and was
around for most of the week. I was
glad to get to meet her before
For lunch, I ordered a hamburger from
the local EFC, went back to
the guest house and geared up
for a
picture taking run on the reef
with my u/w camera. I
found out
that taking pictures of tropical
fish was not necessarily a
cakewalk as
they do not stop swimming
to pose for the camera.
After a
couple of hours and many deleted
shots, I settled for a half
decent pictures and called it a
Back at the Casa Alta Vista I
enjoyed a cold Coors Light.
I got to work in the store for
while he did some maintenance
and Ricky helped Dave with the
meal which included carucho
en salada (conch salad), polpo
ensalada (octopus salad),
steamed langoustine and slipper
lobster, pork fried rice and
black beans. It was a
Rican feast fit for a king!
At sunset, I went to the roof of our
house and sat alone
reflecting on the week and
about how much I miss Eric.
I watched the sun go down in
the west
as the nearly full moon rises
in the east. It was
A couple of hours later,
my oldest son, Phillip calls me
David's phone to see how I
am doing and if I'm having
I think he worries more about
me now. Our social was
around 10:00 p.m. and it was time
to get some rest for the early
at 0530 the next morning.
Wednesday morning Dave cracks the door
to my room and notifies me
that I have 15 minutes to get
my gear
loaded into the truck for the
trip to the ferry or we'll miss
it. That also meant that we would
miss our flight out of San Juan
well. I'm throwing shaving kit
and dirty clothes in my gear
bag with
my eyes half open. He helps
me with my gun case and I
follow with
the rest, I think. We make
it to the ferry with just
minutes to
spare. I find a seat and
sit quietly for the next hour
and a
A word of wisdom to unseasoned
travelers like me. Have ALL your
heavy gear on wheels.
Carrying a
63 pound gear bag with a
single shoulder strap bites. If
could have carried it like
a backpack, it would have been
easier. We were dragging our
guns with one hand and hauling
gear bags with the other,
not to mention working in the
on" bag which held my Ikelite
underwater housing, camera and
as many
presents for my family
as I could stuff in it.

Leaving Puerto Rico
We travel from 6:00 a.m. to 7:15 p.m.
before we finally arrive
back in Mobile, our destination
The week was a busy one in as much
that I was able to dive every
day and made three night
I call that staying active and
it was just what the doctor
Many thanks to my wife, Robin for the
freedom to enjoy my passion.
To Mark Biron and Ricky Cordero
their hospitality and good
natured attitude and to God for
dives and travels. I
would recommend a visit here if
ever have the opportunity.
Mike Wade
Stickmen Freedivers
Mobile, Alabama